Rebourne: Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)

“The Future Awaits”

Directed by Dean Parisot
Starring Keanu Reeves (John Wick), Alex Winter (The Lost Boys), Kristen Schaal (Donald Trump’s the Art of the Deal: The Movie), Samara Weaving (Ready or Not), Brigette Lundy-Paine (Downsizing), Anthony Carrigan (Satanic), Erinn Hayes (The Watch), Jayma Mays (The Smurfs), Holland Taylor (Legally Blonde), Kid Cudi (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot), William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption) and Jillian Bell (22 Jump Street)

The Original

In 1989, two slackers were given a time machine to help them prepare a vital history report and keep their band – Wyld Stallyns – together, learning a thing or two about the past, meeting two beautiful princesses from Mediaeval England, and crushing their report with the help of mysterious guru Rufus (George Carlin). They also learned that they were destined to write a song that would bring the entire world into perfect alignment. Two years later, those two slackers were most heinously murdered by robot duplicates from the future and travelled through Hell and Heaven to gather allies, return to defeat their doubles and win a battle of the bands.

The Late Sequel

In 2020 – albeit a 2020 without social distancing – Bill S Preston Esq (Winter) and his most excellent friend Ted Theodore Logan (Reeves) have still not created the song that will unite the world, despite decades of trying. Their wives, Princesses Elizabeth (Hayes) and Joanna (Mays) are struggling with the strain of this unfulfilled destiny on their marriages, while their children, Thea (Weaving) and Billie (Lundy-Paine) have subsumed their lives in the study of music. With Ted on the verge of giving up, and the two couples in therapy with Dr Wood (Bell), Bill and Ted are contacted by Kelly (Schall), the daughter of their old friend Rufus, and taken to the future, where the great leader (Taylor) – Kelly’s mother – challenges them to write The Song, which must be performed at a specific place within a matter of hours, or the entirety of reality will collapse in on itself.

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