Blast from the Past: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

“The adventure continues…”

Directed by Irvin Kershner
StarringĀ Mark Hamill (The Last Jedi), Harrison Ford (The Force Awakens), Carrie Fisher (Rise of Skywalker), Billy Dee Williams (Batman), Anthony Daniels (I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle), Dave Prowse (A Clockwork Orange), Kenny Baker (Time Bandits), Peter Mayhew (
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger) and Frank Oz (The Muppet Christmas Carol)

While the destruction of the Death Star has prevented the annihilation of the Rebel Alliance, they are still massively outgunned by the Imperial fleet, and scatter to new hidden bases. Luke Skywalker (Hamill) and Princess Leia (Fisher) lead a group in a base on the ice planet of Hoth, where the rebels are beset by cold and giant snow monsters, before being tracked down by Darth Vader (Prowse, with the voice of James Earl Jones) and forced to flee.

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