Movies for 2018

With the review of 2017 out of the way, the other traditional new year cinephile activity is to consider the year ahead and ponder what there is to look forward to. For me, this is a slightly more than academic exercise, as it provides a baseline for the ‘waste of potential’ category in my rating system if I start out by assessing what I’m expecting.

The number of releases for each month is not absolute; it’s the number I am currently interested in. With roughly one day per week free for a cinema evening, ‘4’ is thus my ideal number, and anything above ‘5’ means I’m likely to have to make choices. These choices are represented in my projected viewing schedule for the month (which assume the dates are correct and for the UK, which is a big if.)


Number of releases: 3

19thThe Commuter
Apparent Genre: Action/thriller

Ordinary businessman Liam Neeson – perhaps mistaken for Liam Neeson in any other recent movie – is challenged to identify a particular passenger on his train before it arrives, otherwise everyone will die; kind of like Source Code, but without the do overs. I’m not a fan of the genre, but Neeson himself is good, and if he’s just an unassuming business man caught up in a deadly situation, maybe he’ll be less of a dick to people.

Apparent Genre: Animated/supernatural fantasy

For identification purposes, this is not The Book of Life.

Pixar take on the Mexican Day of the Dead. While the core production crew are American, there appears to have been a concerted effort to get this one right, including establishing a cultural oversight committee and changing the title from ‘Dia de los Muertas’ so that they can trademark the title without trying to legally lock down a major holiday. Also, Pixar, so I’m expecting big things. This was the film that Olaf’s Frozen Adventure was released with in the US and Mexico, drawing criticism that the short was too light to sit well alongside the more thoughtful feature, which is another good sign.

26thThe Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/conspiracy

Okay, so from completeness I want to see this, but I can’t say that I have bee captivated by The Maze Runner or its sequel, The Scorch Trials. On the other hand, I rate a lot of the young actors in the movie highly.

Viewing Schedule:

  • Coco
  • The Death Cure


  • The Commuter


Number of releases: 6


2ndWinchester: The House that Ghosts Built
Apparent Genre: Supernatural horror

On the one hand, I’m not big on horror in the cinema. On the other, I’ve visited the Winchester Mystery House and it’s fascinating. I think the deciding factor may be that there is a lot out in February, so this has a good chance of being missed.

2ndBilal: A New Breed of Hero
Apparent Genre: Animated/historical

I am fascinated by this, because it looks genuinely different. An animated film about Arabic heroes, made by Arabic filmmakers. It’s been around for a couple of years now, but is finally getting an international release. It should be interesting, but might not come to the multiplex. Perhaps I ought to keep an eye on the Arts Picturehouse.

14thThe Shape of Water
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/romance

Released elsewhere in 2017, I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. It took me ages to see Pan’s Labyrinth, and I have a hit and miss relationship with Guillermo del Toro’s frankly eclectic oeuvre, but the trailer is hauntingly beautiful.

16thBlack Panther
Apparent Genre: Action/superhero (MCU)

Marvel hit their stride early in 2018 with the much-anticipated Black Panther. Like Wonder Woman last year, this has a lot riding on it, because it’s going to establish whether a black lead is viable in a superhero film. There is literally no reason why it shouldn’t be, but if the film isn’t good it will tend to be blamed, statistically, on the lack of white dudes. I’m excited for this one, the character had a strong first showing in Civil War, and the trailers look very promising.

16thEarly Man
Apparent Genre: Animated/sports

Aardman Animation bring us what looks to be a mash-up of One Million Years BC and Escape to Victory, with a peaceful stone age civilisation playing soccer – or something like it – against an aggressive, expansionist bronze age culture. I’m a long-time Aardman fan, but their cinema record is spottier than their TV shorts, so if I have to pick one for this week, it will be Black Panther.

Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/horror

Based on the first novel in the bestselling Southern Reach trilogy, Annihilation looks to have shades of Roadside Picnic, with a team of scientists exploring the hostile territory of a strangely altered zone, led by Nathalie Portman’s character, who wants to know what happened to her husband when he came to the same area. The trailers have very much intrigued me, so I’m looking forward to this one.

Viewing schedule:

  • Bilal
  • The Shape of Water
  • Black Panther (or Early Man, if my partner wants to see Black Panther with me)
  • Annihilation


  • Winchester


Number of releases: 7

2ndRed Sparrow
Apparent Genre: Espionage

Jennifer Lawrence plays a Russian spy. That’s about all I know about this one, so it’s likely to be dropped back to DVD if it’s a busy week.

Apparent Genre: Historical/adventure

A prehistoric hunter, separated from his tribe, bonds with an injured wolf to forge the first connection between man (there is a good chance this is going to be pretty damned manly) and his future best friend.

9thA Wrinkle in Time
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/adventure

The second adaptation of Madeleine l’Engel’s novel will, hopefully, exceed the standard set by the first (from memory, l’Engle’s capsule review was ‘I expected it to be dreadful, and it was.’) The book is more religious than I had remembered, but it’s still a classic and has a good story to it. Here’s hoping they don’t stuff it up, although I’m already doubtful, as one of the three mentor figures should be an ineffable presence, but is depicted in a human form.

16thTomb Raider
Apparent Genre: Adventure/occult

Apparently, we’re far enough past having an American play one of the few English heroes in video games that we’re ready to recast Lara Croft… as a Swede. The ubiquitous Alicia Vikander takes on the role, deploying her slighter frame and fresh face to play a version of the character much closer to the one seen in the recent reboot games. Killjoys‘ Hannah John-Kamen furthers her own ubiquity as an apparent expy for the game Lara’s BFF, Sam. Video game movies are rarely much to write home about, but the reboot had a strong narrative if they’re able to strip away enough of the set pieces to fit into a two-hour run time. The cast is also strong, although the same could be said of Assassin’s Creed.

There was apparently a plan to make this part of a Square Enix shared universe with adaptations of Just Cause and Hitman (and this was before the release of Hitman: Agent 47, so fistful of salt at this point,) as well as Deus Ex (a bit more of an outlier, perhaps set in the future of the universe,) and Thief (which is just a weird one, since it’s set in a feudal steampunk-fantasy world.)

23rdPacific Rim: Uprising
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/action

Still a divisive film, I loved Pacific Rim and I am very hopeful for this year’s ‘next generation’ sequel, Pacific Rim: Uprising. Starring man of the moment John Boyega, the relatively low-profile of Rink Kikuchi’s Mako Mori in the publicity is disappointing, and the absence of Idris Elba, while inevitable, lessens the brand, but the giant robot action looks like all we could hope for.

23rdIsle of Dogs
Apparent Genre: Animated/adventure

Wes Anderson presents an animated film – not his first, although I’ve not seen Fantastic Mr Fox yet – about a boy trying to find his dog on an island made of rubbish, populated by quarantined dogs following an outbreak of dog flu in a near-future Japan where canine population levels have reached saturation. I have no fucking idea, honestly; this could go either way.

30thReady Player One
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/thriller

I have grave doubts over this adaptation of the best-selling (and apparently divisive) novel. I loved the book, and there’s no-one to touch Spielberg on his better days, but adapting something this nostalgic is such a difficult balancing act. Go too far one way, and it’s turgid; too far the other, and… well, you get something that looks like the trailers for Ready Player One.

Viewing schedule:

  • Alpha
  • A Wrinkle in Time
  • Tomb Raider
  • Pacific Rim: Uprising
  • Isle of Dogs


  • Red Sparrow


Number of releases: 4

6thA Quiet Place
Apparent Genre: Horror/sci-fi?

I have legitimately no idea if I want to see this in the cinema. I suppose it depends if it ends up being more supernatural horror or sci-fi chiller. It could conceivably be very bad for my blood pressure.

13thNew Mutants
Apparent Genre: Horror/superhero

Some people have suggested that superheroes have become old news. With Legion on television and this film shaping up to be pure, mutant horror, clearly there are some people looking at finding new ways to look at those stories.

Apparent Genre: Action/game adaptation

This year’s left-field option is this adaptation of a 1986 city-smashing arcade game, which frankly is a concept straight out of March’s Ready Player One. But what the heck; Battleship was a lot of fun, and at least this April release is unlikely to scare the bejeebus out of me.

27thAvengers: Infinity War
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/superhero

Disney make the odd decision to release their annual Star Wars offering in May, and then go and put the tentpole MCU release on May 4th (in the US; it’s been pointed out to me since first writing this that the UK release is on the 27th April, hence I’ve moved it back here.) What’s up with that? Avengers: Infinity War is lining up to be a monstrous, over-stuffed extravaganza featuring everyone who ever had a speaking line in the MCU until now. I’m excited – and more than a little nervous – to see how this shapes up.

Viewing schedule:

  • Ready Player One (it’s a safe bet this will still be on, and I’m confident of being able to push this month’s releases back a week each)
  • A Quiet Place
  • New Mutants
  • Rampage
  • Infinity War


Number of releases: 1

25thSolo: A Star Wars Story
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/buddy movie

Actual shots from the movies become sparse at this point.

Dare we hope for some kind of heist in Han Solo’s origin story? I dare to hope; I may be disappointed. Rogue One established the viability of the Star Wars Stories, now it’s up to the troubled Solo to cement that, and it’s looking a less than sure thing. On the other hand, clearly no-one wants to line up a release opposite it anyway.

Viewing schedule:

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story


Number of releases: 4

1stDeadpool 2
Apparent Genre: Superhero/Black comedy

Deadpool was the dark horse outsider of the superhero world. Now established as a viable property, can the magic be repeated? Well, a lot of people are betting yes, but it’s going to depend a lot on whether Ryan Reynolds can be kept on task, and if the supporting cast are any good.

8thOcean’s 8
Apparent Genre: Thriller/Heist

Well, I’m a sucker for a heist, but I’ll be honest: I’m rooting for this because a certain kind of man won’t be and I always want them to be wrong (which, for the record, they were about Ghostbusters. It had its problems, but ropey CG can’t be blamed on female stars.)

15thThe Incredibles 2
Apparent Genre: Animated/superhero

I really enjoyed The Incredibles, and as wary as I am of sequels which take this long to materialise, I really do want this one to be good.

22ndJurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/disaster

Okay, so I have reservations about this since the trailer opted to open with Raptor Boy being all passive-aggressive about being dumped. Still, the dinosaurs should be good.

Viewing schedule:

  • Deadpool 2
  • Ocean’s 8
  • The Incredibles 2
  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom


Number of releases: 6

6thAnt-Man and the Wasp
Apparent Genre: Superhero/?

I’ve not seen a trailer yet, but I’m hoping for a heist feel on this, the third MCU film of the year. I’m guessing they’ve put them all in the first half to avoid clashing with the non-Marvel Studios offerings coming up in the later month.

13thHotel Transylvania 3
Apparent Genre: Animated/comedy

The third instalment in the monster comedy series could either continue its momentum, or lapse further into… well, Adam Sandler lad comedy.

20thAlita: Battle Angel
Apparent Genre: Action/sci-fi

As with most anime adaptations, I’m not familiar with the original on this one, but the trailer definitely looks interesting. On the other hand, it’s a James Cameron picture, so could well be pretty hollow.

20thMamma Mia: Here We Go Again
Apparent Genre: Musical/comedy

I actually quite enjoy Mamma Mia, so I’m interested in this one, but mostly for the songs. It seems likely I’ll let this one slide to DVD.

27thMission: Impossible 6
Apparent Genre: Action/sci-fi

So, the last couple of Mission: Impossible films have been a marked improvement over the early entries, and in most fields, I would be all up for this one. On the other hand, it does clash with the Teen Titans Go! movie.

27thTeen Titans Go! To the Movies
Apparent Genre: Animated/superhero

So, what I’ve seen on this is ‘the Teen Titans go to Hollywood to find out why they don’t have a movie yet,’ which is the kind of fourth wall-busting insanity I can get behind.

Viewing schedule:

  • Ant-Man and the Wasp
  • Hotel Transylvania 3
  • Alita: Battle Angel
  • Teen Titans Go! to the Movies


  • Mamma Mia
  • Mission: Impossible


Number of releases: 5

3rdThe Predator
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/horror

A few years back, I would have been sceptical of a new Predator movie, in the wake of the AvP run. The superior Predators in 2010, and the presence of Predator veteran Shane Black in the chair, however, give me some hope that this could be more like the original, or Predator 2.

10thThe Meg
Apparent Genre: Monster/underwater

Jason Statham vs giant shark. I have literally no idea how much this cleaves to the plot of the novel Meg, if it has anything to do with it, and I don’t remember the book that well. I’ll be honest though, they had me at Jason Statham vs. Giant Shark.

17thCaptive State
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/thriller

We’re getting to a point where I know less about the movies, so for example, on this one I only know that it’s set on Earth, post-alien invasion.

17thThe Happytime Murders
Apparent Genre: Crime/comedy

With a similar premise to TV show The Fuzz – puppets are second class citizens, living alongside humans – and directed by Brian Henson, this is an interesting proposition.

Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/crime

A macguffin-hunt/chase movie, with supersoldiers and ancient weapons. Sounds intriguing, although James Franco is a hit or miss actor.

Viewing schedule:

  • The Predator
  • The Meg
  • The Happytime Murders
  • Captive State
  • Kin


Number of releases: 5

14thThe Darkest Minds
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/superhero

A superhero-type film, about young adults developing powers after surviving a mystery disease, based on a YA novel series. Clearly this is pushing to be the next Hunger Games, or at least the next Maze Runner. It could be the next The 5th Wave, however.

21stThe House with a Clock in its Walls
Apparent Genre: Urban fantasy/horror

Another adaptation, this of a 1970s children’s gothic horror. Again, could be interesting, could be the new Beautiful Creatures.

21stGoosebumps: Horrorland
Apparent Genre: Adventure/horror

We know that this sequel to Goosebumps has Jack Black, and is probably set in a theme park. Given the competition on its release date, it’s likely to slide to DVD.

21stRobin Hood
Apparent Genre: Fantasy/adventure

“And then we will construct a ‘death star’…”

Clearly someone is looking to do for Robin Hood what Legend of the Sword did for King Arthur. Part of me suspects that before King Arthur tanked, there was a plan to create a Merrie England Cinematic Universe.

28th The Kid Who Would be King
Apparent Genre: Urban fantasy

And speaking of the Once and Future King, Joe Cornish of Attack the Block fame brings us an urban update of the early life of Arthur.

Viewing schedule:

  • The Darkest Minds
  • Robin Hood
  • The Kid Who Would be King


  • The House with a Clock in its Walls
  • Goosebumps


Number of releases: 2

Apparent Genre: Superhero/horror

Spider-Man’s dark alter-ego gets its own movie, now that the wallcrawler himself is at MCU.

Apparent Genre: War/Horror

Paratroopers vs. Nazi zombies on D-Day. That gets a thumbs up from me.

Viewing schedule:

  • Venom
  • Overlord


Number of releases: 5

2ndX-Men: Dark Phoenix
Apparent Genre: Superhero/Sci-fi

The X-Men cinematic juggernaut rumbles on, without disgraced originating director Brian Singer, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, or most likely the Juggernaut, and we finally hit an attempt to do the actual Dark Phoenix saga, instead of the creepy shit we got in The Last Stand.

Apparent Genre: Historical/Fantasy

Disney’s latest live action remake has hit a certain amount of controversy already with the changes apparent in its casting calls. Still, we have at least an actual Chinese cast, so that’s something.

2ndThe Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Apparent Genre: Fantasy/Fairy Tale

Lasse Halstrom brings a movie interpretation of the famous ballet to the big screen. I presume there will be lots of mice.

16thFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald
Apparent Genre: Urban fantasy

Dogged by the controversial retention of karma Houdini Johnny Depp, the sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them also faces the twin challenges of overcoming its predecessor’s lukewarm reception and convincingly bringing Newt Scamander into the clash of Dumbledore and Grindlewald.

21stRalph Wrecks the Internet
Apparent Genre: Animated/science fantasy

A sequel to Wreck-it Ralph is not a thing that it feels like the world has been waiting for, but I liked the first one well enough.

Viewing schedule:

  • X-Men: Dark Phoenix
  • Mulan (I’m hoping to get a family trip for The Nutcracker, or for Mulan, or both)
  • Fantastic Beasts
  • Ralph Wrecks the Internet


Number of releases: 5

14thMortal Engines
Apparent Genre: Sci-fi/survival

Another YA adaptation, and a good one, Peter Jackson brings a slightly too-pretty (based on the first trailer) Hester Shaw to the screen in Philip Reeve’s Mortal Engines. I will be seeing this one.

14thInto the Spider Verse
Apparent Genre: Animated/super-hero

This is an animated Spider-Man film with multiple Spider-Men, including Miles Morales.

Apparent Genre: Super-hero

The DCEU’s only 2018 entry (as far as I can see) is Aquaman’s solo outing.

Apparent Genre: Sci-fi

The Transformers franchise rolls on, this time with a solo-ish run for Autobot scout Bumblebee, hopefully with a working voicebox.

25thMary Poppins Returns
Apparent Genre: Urban fantasy

The magical nanny returns to aid the children of her former charges, and fight a grudge duel with Nanny McPhee… or did I imagine that part?

Viewing schedule:

  • Mortal Engines (or Into the Spider Verse if I can get a date night trip to Mortal Engines)
  • Aquaman (or Bumblebee if I get a date night trip to Aquaman)
  • No, I’m not planning a Christmas week outing. I have a family.

Date unknown

These don’t have a release date yet, or not that I know. Ideally they’ll drop in a month I have spaces.

(not) God Particle

I know very little about this movie, except that it’s set in the Cloverfield universe and isn’t going to be called God Particle. I think there might be astronauts, but I might be thinking of last year’s Life. Current scuttlebutt is for an April release date.

The Current War

Edison vs. Tesla (or rather Westinghouse/Tesla). Sadly, this seems to be a serious biopic with, probably, no lightning guns.

The Six Billion Dollar Man

Inflation is a kicker for Steve Austin.


Keanu Reeves recreates his dead family, with no doubt hilarious consequences in this sci-fi chiller.

Game Night

A group of friends stumble into a kidnap plot in the mistaken belief it is a game organised by one of their number, in a sort of complete reverse of The Game.

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